Ag Education

Agricultural education teaches students about agriculture, food and natural resources.

Do What Is Right Starry Sky Facebook Cover 1
Classroom Ag | Jul 03, 2024

Media Mayhem Unit Awarded NGSS Design Badge

An American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture’s STEM unit, Media Mayhem, was recently awarded the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Design Badge!

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Education | Jun 13, 2024

Updated Barn Banners

Print yourself for your fair or farm!

Education | Mar 05, 2024

National Ag Day 2024

Ag Day is celebrated on March 19, 2024, and we have some ideas on how to celebrate!

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Education | Aug 30, 2023

Facts About Pigs

Curious about pigs? Here are some fun facts.

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Education | Jun 13, 2023

June is Dairy Month!

In honor of National Dairy Month, learn more about 5 DAIRY good products!

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Education | Jun 08, 2023

What is Flower Farming?

As we are currently in the wonderful season of Spring, many flowers are blooming! And while they are beautiful and fun, a lot goes into making them grow! We got to interview with a former and a current Young Farmers & Ranchers committee chair member to learn more about their experience with floriculture.

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Education | Mar 20, 2023

New - Free Lessons From the Foundation Fellows

Free lesson plans that bring digital skills together with ag literacy

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Education | Mar 06, 2023

How Does Weather Affect Farming?

Farmers rely on good weather to grow our food- too much rain can lead to rotting plants, and insufficient rainfall makes it difficult to grow crops and feed animals. Too much wind can make planting difficult, and freezing temperatures can stunt plant growth. Let's explore some of these factors!

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Education | Nov 28, 2022

Educator Gift Guide 2022

Looking for ag literacy gifts? Here are some simple choices!

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Education | Nov 17, 2022

Different Types of Corn & How They are Used

The United States produces about one-third of the world's corn. Let's learn more about it!

We rely on donations from people like you to continue creating ag literacy resources!