“ We need to teach kids to be problem solvers ”
— Tanya Novakowski,
6th Grade Math and Science Teacher
Rose Hill-Magnolia Elementary School
Do American Students Know Where Their Food Comes From?
Do you live on a farm? Today, most consumers are three generations removed from the farm. Our agricultural literacy resources and opportunities help bridge the gap between farmers, ranchers and the general public.
Ag Learning Resources
Food and Farm Facts
Planning Guide
Low ($1 - $10)
Pre K - 3rd
In The Boat e-Learning Module
Pre K - 3rd
Up-close Experience: Combines
4th - 8th
Pork Ag Mag
Ag Mag
Low ($1 - $10)
Pre K - 3rd
On the Christmas Tree Farm e-Learning Module
4th - 8th
Sustainable Agriculture
9th - 12th

We aim to engage students and educators in agricultural education through captivating learning experiences, books, and hands-on challenges, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of agriculture while equipping future generations with the knowledge and skills needed to help maintain a sustainable food system.
Our community of educators, volunteers, farm families, and leaders is crucial in our efforts to advance agricultural literacy. Together we strive to promote awareness, understanding, and appreciation of agriculture, ensuring that students across the nation have access to the knowledge and resources necessary to make informed decisions about food, farming, and the environment.
Ag Foundation News
Recent updates, captivating stories, and informative articles that shed light on various aspects of agricultural literacy, brought to you by The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture.